The Bible gets clear when we consider the historic happenings. And it has to be thus because "AND THE WORD BECAME FLESH AND DWELT AMONG US". Bible Code in detail see: WWW.HOPETALK.ORG. A Bíblia fica clara quando levamos em consideração os acontecimentos históricos. E deve ser assim porque "O Verbo se fez carne e habitou entre nós". Código em detalhe: WWW.BIBLIA.COM.BR | Baixe livros grátis, visite o site |

domingo, 21 de agosto de 2016


The theme 'Mark of the Beast' is always in vogue. Everyone wants to know what is it! Even the non-religious want to know about the details of this thorny issue. I am saying it because there are more thorny fights over what would it be such mark than serious study about. Who shows the fact with much gibberish and no argument is weak and it is not worthy of credibility. We can and must read all things about this theme; but it would be good if we read only texts that present textual and historical coherence within the biblical logic. I reiterate that it must be biblical because it is in the heart of the Judeo-Christian Bible.
Let us speak about the Apocalypse, because there we find the expression 'Mark of the Beast'. In chapter 13, the last verse and chapter 20; we find direct references to this 'Mark'. Who that does not receive the Mark of the Beast may not have a quiet social life; that is, you can not do business transactions, receive public services; that is, people with this impediment will live on the margins of society and under pressure coming from all sides. The book "Revelation - The Final Battle” by Arilton Oliveira is very detailed on this and others issues of Revelation book.
What is the 'Mark'? Any mark is a membership tool of identification to which group. If we look at the Bible, we realize that God, several times used 'Marks' to distinguish his people. Thus when his people went out of Egypt, for example. In the end times, God and Satan will mark theirs. Some details debaters must agree:
ü  The marks are visible
ü  The Marks have global reach
ü  The Marks will bring fights between the two groups
ü  The marks involve politics and religion
ü  The Marks will achieve religious and nonreligious
We could talk more about consensual characteristics between the debaters, but think about another bias: politics and religion. Lets make a question here: who runs the politics and the religion worldwide? Everyone knows and it is not secret that the United States of America and the Holy See, respectively rule everywhere. The heads of each representation have voice and power in the world. Politics and religion are so close together in many objectives that anyone can not make an analysis without one when speaking the other. One thing is wide open: politics and religion are so close now as it was in the famous and gruesome Middle Ages. The issues of global concern have to go through Washington DC and the Vatican. Don’t you believe? So, why does the Vatican continue to receive heads of state all the time? Do you think the cheaf of the Vatican walks through the world taking care of religious issues involving the Catholic faith? If you think so you're wrong!
Here fit a capital question: What does the Vatican argue that hurts biblical principles? What does Washington argue that hit squarely on the principles of God's Word? If you can analyze the facts, you will find the answers of these two key issues to understand the end of the world context. If you can think in a supradenominational plan, certainly you will be able to have the correct answer. If you do not have that ability to take off your Christian religious denomination, you will not be able to analyze the facts.
The political power of the United States are united in some points. Although the country is run by one of the two parties, we can say that both parties go more or less in the same direction in a lot of questions. Democrats are in power for two consecutive mandate by Barack Obama and they have good real chance to proceed with Hillary Clinton; as Donald Trump, Republican, can not take hold your position after the primaries. This guy can not hold his tongue; part of body that the apostle James made tough recommendations to Christians.
What do the Democrats argue that hurt God? They are in favor of minorities, including homosexuals. They are staunch defenders of the marriage same sex couple. They support clean energy (that stuff is fine, but there is a problem that we will explain later).
And the Vatican, the Holy See, which do they argue that is unbiblical? Anyone who can interpret text, reading the Bible in full, will find that the Holy See, led by a Pope, has an unbiblical policy. I quote here some:
ü  Authority of the Bible in parity with the traditions.
ü  Worship or veneration of dead people canonized.
ü  Preaching of evolutionism.
ü  Change the law of God.
ü  Religious syncretism.
The Holy See, political name of Catholic Action in religious and political world, has millennial age. It has a history that no Christian institution has. It has an intellectual, political and financial wealth that no religious institution has. It has an opened door almost everywhere in the world like no other religious or political institution has. It has a powerful diplomacy that no country has. Just remember that it was the Holy See that made the intermediation the rebinding United States - Cuba.
How not believe (if the Apocalypse is right, and I definitely believe that is it) that these two powerful institutions will play an effective role in the end of the world? It is the last question: how does the supernatural enter into the natural world? Have you ever asked that question for youreself? If you have the Bible as the Word of God, you must remember that Paul has ever told to the Ephesians (6:12) that there is a struggle between good and evil in the heavenly places. And this fight came to us by the entrance of sin. You may disagree with me, but there is no other better way to the supernatural enter into our natural world but by the religion. The word religion means reconnecting. And when politics and religion come together, we have a 'materialization' of the supernatural in the natural world through a mandatory, comprehensive manner; because even those who are not religious are reached. As the policy is full of anti-God people and against the true principles of God; I would say that the marriage of politics and religion is the gateway to the supernatural forces of evil into our natural world. It is a chance for the Antichrist chief manifest among us.
Yes! The 'Mark of the Beast' is there. The mark is something that people of the world are already familiarized. It will become an official Mark only when the governments make it law by their parliaments. If you want to know details about the material basis for governments to take ownership, read here. When America put it official by law throughout its territory, we will have the beginning of the last great controversy. God already has its 'mark'  since from the foundation of the world. The Enemy of God has been building his mark for more than a millennium. America, with Democrats in power, could accelerate this process because Hillary and her party suffer heavily influence from the Pope (Holy See).

We do not need fear, for God is Lord and Savior. It must happen all these things so that Wicked be revealed to everyone who is alive. No one will get unpunished. You can not make any judgment without giving the parties in the process the right to know the motives of charges. If you do not know much about it, seek knowledge and decide. Remember one thing more: Jesus is our faithful lawyer!

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