I want to start by congratulating
Catholics, even not agreeing with them, I see that there is honesty in their
theologians. In the Church documents they are clear in saying that they have
changed the solemnities of the Sabbath to Sunday. So they do not hide it from
anyone. I would also, briefly tell the story of Sunday. I mean: I am going to
count how the first day of the week was baptized with the name Sunday.
Rome before even dreaming of
one day be Christian, it had adopted the sun god in their pantheon. The
Babylonians worshiped the god Shamash (the sun god) on the first
day of the week. Not only the Babylonians, but others important people of the
ancient world gave importance and deified the sun. Perhaps; maybe it would be a
powerful and important star for life. The religion of mystery born in the times
of the Hellenistic era called Mithraism was started in the Persian region, it
became popular among the Romans and gained importance in the growth of
Christianity time. They, Mithraism and Christianity, rivaled in the Roman
Empire time. The Roman soldiers had a passion for Mithraism. The emperors had
adapted this religion to their reality calling it Sol Invictus. Rome was
mystical and center of its mysticism it was the sun.
When Rome had 'converted' to Christianity, it did not
abandon his trophy: the sun. Constantine
and his successors demanded that the church cuddled their past gods. Then the
church had to begin the work of intellectuals: fit the day of the sun and eliminate the appearance of Judaism from
the Christianity. How much inconsistency: leave 'thing' of the people of
Christ, to replace, to fit 'thing' of the Antichrist people. It has many
'Christians' today who still fight vehemently for it.
The ecclesiastical and general
history leave no one be mistaken about the fact that Sunday is the landmark of
the Roman Catholic Church. The Church before the union with the state had kept
the Biblical indication of the day of rest on the seventh day, or Saturday. Not
only the day, but many others practices that pagan influence of State had
required a radical change. The Synod of Laodicea, considered by some scholars
as the Council of Laodicea, banned the Sabbath. This Synod took place between
the years 363-364 AD and discussed 60 canons and canon 29 just deals with the
confirmation of Sunday keeping and banned of Sabbath. In other words,
Christians, up to that time had kept the Bible Sabbath.
More than two decades earlier,
in the council of Nicaea, an imperial demand was accepted that "universally should be established the first
day of the week as a sacred day, the name of the first day of the week was
modified to Prima Feria to Dies Domenica. This decision has been maintained
by most Christian denominations until the present time" (
For the origin of the name Latin languages have masked the intent which is
clear in other people's languages that is not connected to Christianity
history. In English, for example, SUNDAY is
= sun and day = day of the sun.
If you look at the councils of
Nicaea in 325, you will notice that the Roman Catholic Church has been building
their doctrinal body. And each council has been renounced Biblical truths and embraced
lies, or pagan "truths".
Today, in the XXI century, the
struggle is to prove that Sunday is not true. The Pope Francis is overtaking
the walls of the Catholic Church to take your main teaching to everyone
(Christian and non-Christian), because with this teaching he will be paying
obedience to their gods (pagans) and a rebellion to God the Creator. The honor
of the pagan day will not come by religious reasons, but in other ways. It does
not matter to him; if the world accepts, their gods will be honored and God
will be disrespected.
The prophecy of Revelation is
clear in saying that Church and State will not be content only to legislate in
favor of Sunday but impose it by force, to everyone; religious and
non-religious people, to respect and rest on Sunday. The argumentation that the
Pope Francis is using is the issue of Climate Change. Everyone is buying this
argumentation; I mean, everyone is misleading by him. He is cunning as the
serpent was to Eve. Francis is using the Pentateuch books that speak of the
Sabbath to justify the keeping of Sunday. He cited in his encyclical
Deuteronomy 25 to convince the religious and the non-religious people to stop
any activity on Sunday. That would be one day off; ecological one day!
Dear reader; it's time to you
review your day of rest. Today almost all Christians are going and resting on
Sunday. We could say that there is a discussion of 30 million X 2 billion. If
we represent in other way, it would look like this: 30,000,000 X 2,000,000,000. There are approximately 30 million
people worldwide who repudiate the idea to rest on the first day of the week,
because Sunday is a pagan religious day.
The global controversy will bring
a discussion on obedience around the day of rest. It seems as very simple
thing, but it is not. Or will you obey the State (religion of the State), or
you will obey what the Bible says. In the end times of controversy, the State
will legalize Christian churches to respect the dedicated day to save the
planet. And the States will pursue
believers who disagree with this idea. The State will have a mechanism to
charge you for that. Before Jesus return, men must turn to the Bible. The lies
of the Christian pseudo-religion must be confronted with the immutable truths
of God.
Who will you obey?
Discussion from the book CÓDIGO 7
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