The Bible gets clear when we consider the historic happenings. And it has to be thus because "AND THE WORD BECAME FLESH AND DWELT AMONG US". Bible Code in detail see: WWW.HOPETALK.ORG. A Bíblia fica clara quando levamos em consideração os acontecimentos históricos. E deve ser assim porque "O Verbo se fez carne e habitou entre nós". Código em detalhe: WWW.BIBLIA.COM.BR | Baixe livros grátis, visite o site |

domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015



The political and economic world was surprised by the Papal Encyclical of that year; we’ve already talked about this here. However, the religious world did not stare yet to it. The true worshippers of the Lord Jesus have not yet realized the power of the Catholic document and its real interest. As the Pope himself said, it is addressed not only to Catholics but to all men. And starting from a religious perspective, I see many inconsistencies in this encyclical when compared to the Bible.
Note the quotes from this document that, in my view, constitutes a threat to religious freedom which the West enjoys; and it is an affront to God. See entire sections or part of, which is the formalization of Catholic dogma to the world. You are invited to read this document in its entirety. It is distributed free on the internet.

"... We are called to recognize our contribution - small or large - for disfigurement and destruction of the environment. ‘Because’ a crime against nature is a crime against ourselves and a sin against God." (Section 8)
"While Bartholomew drew attention to the ethical and spiritual roots of environmental problems, which invite us to find solutions not only in technique but also a change of the human being; otherwise, we would be facing just the symptoms." (Section 9)
"My appeal ... protect our common home ... unite the whole human family in the search for a sustainable and comprehensive development" (section 13)
"Some axes which the Encyclical ... the disposal culture and the proposal of a new lifestyle" (section 16)
"As often happens in deep crisis times, which require tough decisions, we are tempted to think that what is happening is not true." (Section 59)
"’If the look runs through the regions of our planet, we realize quickly that humanity has disappointed God's expectations.‘" (Section 61)
"Without propose again here all the theology of Creation, we know what we are told the great biblical narratives about the relationship between human beings and the world." (Section 65)
"... Human existence is based on three closely related fundamental relationships: Relations with God, with others and with the earth." (section 66)
"Consequently, the biblical law has offered to man a number of rules relating not only to others but also to other living things: (...) (4.6). In this line, the rest of the seventh day is not only proposed for humans, but ‘that they may rest your ox and your donkey’" (Ex 23,12). "(Section 68)
"The biblical tradition clearly states that this rehabilitation implies the rediscovery and the respect of subscribers rhythms in nature by the hand of the Creator. This is evident, for example, the law of the Sabbath. On the seventh day, God rested from all his works. God commanded Israel to every seventh day should be celebrated as a day of rest, a Sabbath (cf. Gen 2: 2-3; Ex 16, 23, 20, 10). In addition, every seven years, also brought a sabbatical to Israel and their land (cf. Lev 25: 1-4), during which it gave complete rest to the land, not only sowed and harvested indispensable to survive and offer hospitality (cf. Lev 25: 4-6). Finally, passed seven weeks of years, that is forty-nine years, celebrated the jubilee, a year of universal forgiveness, ‘in your land proclaiming the freedom of all who inhabit it’ (Lev 25, 10). The development of this legislation sought to ensure balance and fairness in the relationship of human beings with each other and with the land where he lived and worked." (Section 71)
"Today, believers and non-believers agree that the earth is essentially a common heritage, the fruits of which should benefit everyone." (Section 93)

"Most of the world population declares itself Christian, and this should lead religions to establish dialogue with each other, seeking the care of nature, the defense of the poor, the construction of a plot of respect and brotherhood." (Section 201)
"It is very noble assume a duty to care for creation with small daily actions, and it is wonderful that education is able to motivate to them to form a lifestyle." (Section 211)
"There are several educational areas: School, family, the media, catechesis, and other" (section 213)
"The Church has proposed to the world the ideal of a ‘civilization of love’." (Section 231)
"Participation in the Eucharist is especially important on Sunday. This day, like the Jewish Sabbath, is proposed to us as a day of healing of the relationship of man with God, with self, with others and with the world. Sunday is the Day of Resurrection, the ‘first day’ of the new creation, which has its first fruits in humanity resurrected of the Lord, guarantee of last transfiguration  of all created reality. In addition, this day announced ‘the eternal rest of man in God.’ [168] Thus, Christian spirituality is part of the value of the home and party. Human beings tend to reduce the scope of contemplative rest barren and useless, forgetting that this would strip the work carried out the most important: its significance. In our activity, we are called to include a receptive and free dimension, which is different from simple inactivity. This is another way of acting, which belongs to our essence. Thus, human action is preserved not only the empty activism but also of unbridled greed and conscience that isolates seeking only personal benefit. The law of the weekly rest imposed refrain from work on the seventh day, ‘that they may rest your ox and your donkey and take breath the son of thy handmaid and the resident alien’ (Ex 23, 12). The home is an extension of the look, which allows re-recognize the rights of others. So the day of rest, whose center is the Eucharist, spreads its light over the whole week and encourages us to take care of nature and the poor. "(237)
"We are heading for the Sabbath of eternity, the new Jerusalem, the common home of heaven." (243)

What amazing and powerful argumentation! The Jesuit Pope, missionary and political by nature, will run the world for their idea of ​​salvation of the earth and ecology to be adopted. The earth really needs to rest. The man actually needs rest. The man and nature must live in harmony indeed. It is in Genesis and Leviticus, as the Pope himself bases his argumentation, the correct action. If we read the chapters of Genesis 1, 2 and 3; and chapter 25 of Leviticus; and also the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20; we will come to the following conclusion: The Pope is only wrong about the day of rest, the holly day of rest.
He is reinterpreting the seventh day; and putting the first in its place. If we consider that Jesus fulfilled the annual festivals of their people; the goal of the Christ be resurrected on the first day was to sanctify it. It would be correct and logical to imagine that Christ was observing the seventh day as He did in life. He died on Friday, at the same time that the lamb used to be expiated. He rested in the tomb on Saturday and rose on the first day of the week. This does not sanctified the first day.
Another biblical ample proof to this discussion is the fact that Jesus warned the people to pray for the persecution did not occur either in the winter or on the Sabbath (Mt 24:20). The disciples also taught never to change the Sabbath to Sunday. It's a fact! If you do not understand the symbolism of the parties that Moses received from God to his people practice every year; you probably agree with the Pope's argumentation. But that's another discussion!
What the religious world has not looked yet is that the Catholic Church is coming back with much more power than it had had in the Middle Ages. The Pope is becoming the world's Judge. All things that he has proposed, politicians around the world will be convinced. That's what Revelation 13 says. And the ecology will be the means by which ideas and dogmas of the Church and philosophy of the Jesuit reached the whole world. It will reach religious and non-religious people as it was made clear in the encyclical.
I just want to remember that the Jesuits were born in the Counter Reformation. While reformers had shook the world with the Bible alone, Catholics created the Jesuit Order. The goal of the Jesuits is still eliminating the Protestants. Just one detail: in the year 1500 it was difficult for them; today, it is very easy. And I'm not exaggerating. Evangelicals of all kinds are honoring Pope Francis inside and outside the Vatican. And everyone, I mean EVERYONE, with some exceptions, agree on the interpretation of the seventh day of rest for the first day of the week. It is being a cake for the Jesuits today to dominate the religious world; as the political lies in your hands.
There will be a global discussion about to who obey: God or man. And at the heart of this discussion is the day of rest. The theme now called the Mark of the Beast is this discussion of the rest day. When we look to the Bishop of Rome proposing to the United Nations and the United States to give a day of rest for the land; we can admit that it makes much sense. Note that the Green Encyclical is clear in saying that the rest from work alone is not good. Continuing the culture of spending does not solve the problem. The day of rest is for the family and to worship God. And when we see whole Christian world worshiping God and resting on the first day of the week and defending it bravely; I got scared. I see, and you can also see that is easy for Jesuit ideas gain favor and support from around the world.
I will stop here; but I will be back with details on this!

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