The Bible gets clear when we consider the historic happenings. And it has to be thus because "AND THE WORD BECAME FLESH AND DWELT AMONG US". Bible Code in detail see: WWW.HOPETALK.ORG. A Bíblia fica clara quando levamos em consideração os acontecimentos históricos. E deve ser assim porque "O Verbo se fez carne e habitou entre nós". Código em detalhe: WWW.BIBLIA.COM.BR | Baixe livros grátis, visite o site |

sábado, 9 de abril de 2016



The events of the past corroborate and do evidence of the existence of such a conspiracy, or conspiracy theory. The problem is that alarmists create facts and conformists underestimate evidences. Jesus does not give credit to any of them. We have to follow the advice that says we have to be 'simple like a dove and wise as the serpent'.
Everyone knows, believers and unbelievers, religious and nonreligious, that the Middle Ages was marked by physical, emotional and religious opressions. At that time, the power game had permeated the political and religious instances of a wide and opened way. Who that said that was representative of God, he acted with the hand of the devil. The Church, as strengthened itself, it grew politically, and in cruelty.
At this point, I would like to open a parenthesis and say that people (like the finest strain of philosophical thought as Nietzsche), confused and merged the Church and God. Like Nietzsche, many do not distinguish between authentic Church and Pseudo-church too. They mistake, or because they want to or because they can not distinguish the great conflict. The man has taken the control of the divine institution and worked on to defame the character of the Creator. From the third century of the Christian era, the Church no longer has been representing the interests of the Creator. Since then, the Church has come to represent the interests of man. That did not mean the end of religion. Church is not religion properly and vice versa. The Bible itself says about that by exposing the case of the dragon and the woman (Revelation 12). God has always had his religion; the devil tried to create a new religion of his and has since been going on to be two.
When holy men had decided, moved by the Holy Spirit, to unmask the corrupt Church; this, the Church counterattacked. The Protestant Reformation corroborated and showed the so called conspiracy theory. According to this theory, there is an elite fighting for world domination. And as an elite can rule the world? Through religion and politics. In the Middle Ages it happened. The world policy laid in the hands of the main Christian figure - Bishop of Rome.
When he lost his primacy, or rather, when men led by the Holy Spirit broke with the yoke and oppression, the Church created the Jesuits order. Another parenthesis here; institution is not a person, the parallel religion has been housing authentic Christian people since the begining. From that time on, the game to restore the powerfulness of the Church only intensified. As the Church grew weaker, It created mechanism to not die and recover its strength.
I have no doubt that the conspiracy exist! We can not be alarmist or conformist. The two extremes only help the greedy for power and installation of oppressions. However, one has to make a distinction. The Bible speaks of this conspiracy theory and the world also speaks. Each side with its nuances. In fact, regarding the Bible, I can not call theory, as history and facts are no longer theory. If there is a cosmic conflict as said in Ephesians 6, this battle has to take place in our world by force of logic. The supernatural must meet natural. The effects of this conflict gain resonance in our daily life indeed. I have no doubt about that.
With the appearing of a Jesuit in the highest position of Christianity (being an apostate or not), resurfaces the discussion: the return of the power of the Medieval Church. We are in the third year of the reign of Francis, Bishop of Rome; and all movement of him corroborate it and show the power game between politics and religion. This is clear proof of the progress of the prophecies of Revelation.

We are at the end! God has a special people and have a correct religion and is inviting those who have not joined him yet, to come. The final battle has begun! If you want to know how to survive this purpose - GRAB INSTRUCTION IN THE BIBLE ONLY. You must know it. Watch out! There are spies everywhere and in all denominations and they, the spies, CAN disrupt YOU. The religion of God must be thought in a supradenominational plan. Beware of spies! And a spy can be your pastor, priest, apostle ...

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