This first rule was very important to God organizes the human rescuing
from fallen Eden. The Death reigns because of sin. Without active part and
inactive one to the dead is an indispensable to true resting. There are dozens
of biblical verses that affirm that the dead does not have thoughts, emotions,
works, communication with anybody, conscience; but the best known verse is
Ecclesiastes 9:5 and 6 “For the living know that they will die, but
the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is
forgotten. Their love and their hate and their envy have already perished, and
for ever they have no more share in all that is done under the sun”.
Any participation or interaction between dead and living man will be forgery.
The archenemy can do things like these by your dark powers. He has
power to do it and others things; because he can even transform himself like
light angel to deceive even the God’s sons.
The second gold rule imposed by God to the Death’s reign – introduced by
Lucifer – is NO HAVING NOTION OF TIME TO THE DEATH. The explanation of this
rule permit us introduce the third rule: THE DEATH IS A SLEEP. Even being
difficult to say, but our experience can show us many things about the time
notion. And into the biblical text we can see the chronological time is
business for live people and not to dead ones.
Have you already had, in moment of your life, a deep sleep that you laid
down, slept, woke up and you got frustrated because the impression was that you
had just had gone to the bed? Have you had the notion of the time? The sleeping
with notion of time is like that one dreams all the time. To dream during the
sleeping is too bad because we don’t relax. A restoring sleep and without
dreams is a little showing of what is the death. Then, we don’t need fear it.
This aspect of the Dead could not fear anybody. It will not cause pain and the
people will not suffer any longer. The biblical idea is of total cessation of
activities of the person.
Jesus himself has compared the Dead with the sleeping; “These
things said he: and after that he says unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleeps;
but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep. Then said his disciples, Lord, if
he sleeps, he shall do well. Howbeit Jesus spake of his death: but they thought
that he had spoken of taking of rest in sleep” John 11:11-14.
Jesus has confronted the Dead. It has had nor pity neither piety of Jesus. The Dead has plucked up the tears
until the Lord Jesus Christ “Jesus cried out” John 11:37. It is
an enemy; the cruel one. It makes us cry out in depth when it takes away our
beloved. It is the responsible of the emptiness that invades the millions of
people hearts whose beloved has gone away. The Dead is in alliance with the
God’s Accuser. It is the tool that the God’s Enemy threats the earth and its
inhabitants. Animals, nature and men suffer the pains brought by it.
The good news is that God has a solution to all that. The Bible, God’s
Word, shows us wonderful promises. Beyond this narrative of book about death;
it shows us the solution to the problem too. The Bible says that “For
the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus
Christ our Lord” Romans 6:23. And the way that God met to bring the
eternal life to the men was the RESURRECTION. This act makes sense only when we
understand the Death through these three bases established by God. If the Death
is not a sleep; the resurrection will not have any purpose. The eternal life is a holy hope, and the
resurrection is God’s solution to the damage of the Satanic mortal invention.
The Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 15 speaks that the people without hope
of resurrection in Jesus are unhappy. Read all this chapter and delight in this
promise; the wonderful promise. He says yet in other book that “For
the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the
archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first”
I Thessalonians 4:16. All; believers and unbelievers, losers and winners; all
people will pass by the resurrection process. Being first, or second one; all
we will be resurrected to face the Judgment Day.
Dr. Carlos A. Steger, professor in theological seminary said that “the
resurrection, by itself, is not nor a reward neither a punishment. It is a
prespecification to receive the eternal life or an eternal condemnation”.
This affirmative can help us to understand how it will be; how the God Final
Judgment will be. All will hear your own sentence and to that, all have to come
back to life again. In this moment the two parts return to the person again.
Body and Spirit (breathing) come back to meet and to form the living soul
again. This way the same person will see the scenes of all things on the Earth.
It is this way that the rule number two and three make sense. All we will come back
and will have the sensation as being had just faced the death. For someone, the
death was agonizing. For others, the death experience was too good because it
was a resting indeed in the Lord and in His hope.
For that reason the Bible is so clear when it says that today we have
the chance to decide. There is no second chance. Life is only one. The
opportunity to accept Jesus is right now and it is only while the life is in
existence. For that reason Jesus gives us the invitation: ‘my son, gimme your heart’.
The Bible is clear when says that who accepts Jesus as Savior, this person will
not die for second time. All we can die one time, but two times only those who
accept not Jesus as Savior and Lord. This is the aspect of the Death that all
we could fear. The people could think indeed about the choice they are making
today. It is not necessary only to be good citizen (I do not rob, I do not
kill, I do not offend my colleague and blablabla). The majority of people that
rob, kill, offend are accepting the invitation of salvation in Jesus and they
are changing their lives. We have to decide while we live. The unique fear we
should have passing by our mind is the fear of get distant of Jesus’ promises.
Only Jesus blood has the power to make you rest in peace indeed. It is a
personal decision.
The last minutes of the life happen many miracles. Nobody knows about
the contents of the dialog between Jesus and the person that is dying. Only the
both know. But if we have the opportunity today; we should not let to decide in
these last minutes of life. The possibility of to be separated from Jesus is
what could fear us. The Death could not terrorize anybody because Jesus has the
solution for all these things – the Resurrection in the last day.

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