It was historic! To speak at the Congress is not for all. Be the first
Pope to use the parlor; Jorge Mario Bergoglio could. Be the first pope to
address the United Nations with the Vatican flag fluttering among others;
Francis has showed power as global moral authority. The Congress and the UN
have applauded him with vigor and standing. And there is no one stronger than
the Black Pope.
It is popularly known that the Jesuits used at the beginning of the
Order, a black clothes. The Jesuits followed and defended the Pope who has white
clothes. The leader of the Jesuits is considered Black Pope. Since from 2013
there has been a unifying leadership. The pope wore the black clothes. The
Jesuit Order has always served the interests of the Pope. Now, the Pope will,
after so many centuries being served; serve Order’s interests.
According to a report from the NYTimes, the leader of Congress,
Republican Boehner has articulated everything. Being a practicing Catholic, he
spent two decades trying to get the Pope in the place where they create the US
laws. It is very likely that this event was only possible because of the Jesuit
political skill behind it all.
If people was confused about the representative of the Pope; now, they
are no more. The 10-days journey that Francis has made to Cuba and the United
States showed so clear the political tone of his pontificate. John Paul II was
a giant in politics; but Francis already exceeds by influence worldwide. Under
3 years of his pontificate, the Pope Francis is acclaimed and adored wherever he
goes. All this happens because of the political skill of the Jesuits combined
with the Pope’s rhetoric of social justice, poverty alleviation and care for
the planet.
2015 is being the year of the Pope. I think he will be the next Nobel
Peace winner. Two things put him in high esteem among believers and atheists:
mediation between US-Cuba and the encyclical Laudato Si. This encyclical
is speaking of care that we should have with the planet. It is very
opportunistic, or was it programmed? I can not tell you; but I'm sure Francis
will close 2015 like a hero when COP21 was met in December, Paris. Probably the
most important proposal in Climate Change agreements will come from him. The
world has never talked so much in a COP, as this one. Laudato Si has been so
overwhelming that even president Obama has aligned his green idea to it. Since the
Green Encyclical to Paris COP Meeting, we will count six months. This is the
ability of Jesuit to teach people.
The journey that Francis has made to America served to a) consolidate the powers of the Vatican in
America; b) awaken the nations to act
around an agenda; c) display Francis
as world "moral" authority, in fact; d) start a global coalition to save the planet from environmental
degradation. I think he has accomplished his mission, because he was a
standing ovation in all his speeches. That means "I am with you."
Great things happen slowly, but these issues and the Vatican agendas are coming
true very fast!
In an article entitled "WhatDoes Pope Francis Believe?", Ross Douthat attempts to describe the
Pope. Define him is so difficult; follow him is so easy. The world does not
find it difficult to follow Francis’s ideas. Using the Bible and Tradition, he
can come and go in all social level and religions. Powerful people applaud him;
and the poor and oppressed one do the same as well. All love him!
The travel that Francis has done to America, in my opinion, it was a
clear proof that the mortal wound, he had received in 1798, is healed. Now we
can only wait the horrible events described in Revelation 13, 14, 15 and 16.
If the Bible is right; (I firmly believe it is right) someone will have to
perform all evil deeds. And there are no other institutions, historically
speaking, powerful in the world with all characteristics described in prophecy
such as the Vatican and the United States of America. They, the two
institutions, are the protagonists of all evil deeds! This is what can be read
in Daniel and John’s prophecy.
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