My answer is:
NO! The Bible's answer is NOT too! But why is there such a big discussion about
this issue? Is it not enough the final Bible Word? For Protestants, the Bible
is the last authority in term of what is accepted or not accepted in heaven.
For Christianity in general, the Bible should be sovereign authority as well.
The problem is the eyes on Jesus that are diverse and controversial. In this
case, what to do and how to solve the question? It's not easy! Even though;
there is a solution!
I would like
to write some important points. First; homosexuality supporters want to be
saved, because this that they do all the discussion about. Second; There are
many Christians who do not tolerate the idea of respect the personal decisions
(gay decision of to be gay). Third; there is a war between many gays group and
Christians, especially evangelical group. Forth; there is a lot of ignorance on
both sides. What is noticeable is that conservative Christians and gay’s
movements are forcing each other. Gays are forcing religious to keep quiet.
They do not accept that religious defend their views, their beliefs. On the
other hand; religious are forcing gays to leave their homosexual practices. One
is doing pressure on other. They want to win by pressure! The fight is getting
huge dimension that Congress and deputies are spending too much time with this
topic and they are forgetting relevant and priority issues for their country.
This is abuse of power of both sides. They want to use the State to force one
another. This is disgusted! The State is separated from religion; do not forget
you all religious representatives! The country has freedom of expression;
listen me all the gay’s supporters.
Where is God
in all this? Will the religious be right to condemn homosexuality? Or is gay in
good path when they come to church? Since the beginning it is written that
"the great God, mighty and awesome,
He does not show partiality" (Deuteronomy 10:17). And this same God
reaffirmed to Peter that "God treats
everyone on the same basis" (Acts 10:34). The Holy Spirit revealed to
Paul the same words that "God judges
everyone by the same standard" (Romans 2:11). And see that Paul said
this to a highly sensualized and homosexual society as the Roman was.
Looking at
these verses from God’s word revealed to the prophets and apostles, we can see
that gays seem right. But the prophets and apostles recorded two words that
almost all gays do not want to hear, to talk, to discuss, to think. The same
Peter who noted that God is faithful judge; says to the all people who want salvation
in Christ: "Repent, then, and turn to
God, so that he will forgive your sins" (Acts 3:19). Elsewhere; the
same Peter says "repent, then, of
this evil plan of yours, and pray to the Lord" (Acts 8:22). How to
harmonize this? On the one hand God accepts everybody; on the other, there is
no possibility of being with God without repentance and conversion.
That's the
point! Here’s the X of the question. God does not accept us with our own bad
practices. God loves, but He is not obliged to accept everything. He accepted
all people; but does not accept everything. God sets limits. God has moral. God
demands respect. God does not change his mind. God does not make concessions to
anyone. God does not deal with sin. What is noticeable it is that the gay's
groups want to continue with their old lives. They want to establish a new
moral. They expect from God concessions. They want a gospel that accepts
everything. They want a Christ who loves the sinner and the sin. The Bible and
Jesus himself never admitted that He would accept both: sinner and sin. It
requires a consideration. The truth is what God thinks! And He requires the
separation between the sinner and the sin.
Do not forget
that the God’s word revealed to man in the Bible is categorically against
homosexual practice. I want to introduce you four verses that say the biblical
position on gay's practices. The book of Leviticus chapter 18 and verse 22
says: "You shall not lie with man as
with a woman; is abomination" In Romans chapter 1; there are two
passages from it. The first is in the verso26: "even the women exchanged the natural use of their intimate
relationships for what is against nature." And then in verse 27:
"... committing what is shameful,
man with men, and receiving in themselves the due penalty of their error."
Finally, I want to present the words revealed to Paul in 1 Corinthians chapter
6 and verses 9:10, "Do not be
deceived (...) nor effeminate, nor homosexuals (...) inherit the kingdom of God."
God does not
force anyone! And God never used the pressure! God does not pressure anyone. If
the religious want to fight against homosexuality; they should not use the
pressure. This is not from God! We have Free Will to be what we want to be. God
is also sovereign to dictate His rules. If God does not accept homosexual
practice; it is a right of Him. We are sovereign in our decisions as well, but
we must be aware of the consequences. If you live advocating a gospel that
accepts gay with the gay’s practices; this is ANOTHER GOSPEL, and as the
Apostle Paul said, "even if we or an
angel from heaven come, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached
unto you, let him be anathema" (Galatians 1: 8). If you believe that
you can have an evangelical church's gay (in homosexuality); know that the Lord
of this church is the Antichrist, not the Christ.
God never
accepted; or there is no biblical indication that someday God will accept
homosexual practice. Listen to the advice of the True Gospel: "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that he
will forgive your sins " (Acts 3:19). If persons that belong to the
gay's groups want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; they must repent and become
true Christians. To convert is to stop making the mistake. If you do not
recognize that what you are practicing is error, there will never be regret, or
conversion. But we are free to accept or reject God's call.
OBS .: Very
soon, Christ will return to give the final verdict in all these questions;
including this! Maranatha!
Obs. More
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