I can advance
that it didn’t have been the evangelical pastors who introduced faith and
commandment Conflict. I can guarantee too that, based on the Bible, it didn’t
have been the Apostle Paul that done this bad information into the
Christianism. To start understand this fact; it is necessary to do questions.
What is Law? How many Laws exist into the Bible? Does the biblical text support
the division between Laws or it speaks about of only one Law?
To the
Christian that believe in only one Bible Law; things get complicated totally.
Believing so, it gets impossible to comprehend the whole Bible text because all
themes mixture in one vision. It is chaotic. And, to start, it is not about
what do you believe; but what the text says. This is the correct principle to
understand the all texts. The interpretation ought to come from inside to
outside, but not the contrary. The Judges do that.
What is Law?
Law is rule, principle, guideline about something. All good dictionaries go to
explain that. And the Bible? Will it say
about rules, guidelines and principles? Absolutely! In the Old Testament one
can find many principles, rules and guidelines. In the book of the Law, it is,
the Torah, the Rabies count 613 laws. It is so many laws! Will it be that the
613 laws are talking about in only one theme? The Logic and good sense say no.
Then there is no only one law in the Bíble.
The range of
legislative in the Old Testament are: Laws about civil life Israel people, Laws
about the jurisprudence, Laws about the religious liturgy, Laws about the first
pact and God’s Moral Law. The biblical texts give us this division. It is not
an interpretation of outside to inside; but the contrary. In this base we can
build reasoning statement with solid and true fountain.
The prophets
and the God’s people life have built their identity in this base. The five
first Bible’s books are supporters to all others Bible’s books; specially all
the New Testament books. To all misinformed people, I want to say that the New
Testament writers have used many references directly from the Old Testament. If
we take out all references, the New Testament will get so thin.
Now makes
sense what Paul has said in your letters. Without those bases and divisions we
may make confusion with Paul’s ideas. See one: ‘Why in Galatians Paul defends
Faith and in Romans he speaks about Law? Why in a moment the author speaks good
things in behalf of Law and in other moment he speaks bad?’ This is not a
correct question! The right question is: ‘He, Paul, speaks well of what law? He
speaks badly of what law? If Paul himself does this distinction among laws; why
pastors stubbornly are against it and say that Paul changed the law?
The Ten
Commandments is not to the past! The law is to the present too! It is to this
generation and too relevant to all time. The Law that I am referring is that is
written in Exodus 20: 1 – 17. And yet, I go further, Revelation 14 says that
the God’s Commandments will be the final test to Lord’s people before the Final
Judgment. I ask you: Do you go to obey God or man? “Then Peter and other apostles said: Before, it is better obey God than
men” Acts 5:29. (SEE WWW.HOPETALK.ORG)
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