Do you believe in the Final Judgment? If you
don’t believe; will it do any difference to Whom command the Judge? The simple fact
of you doesn’t believe will it stop this event?
If you believe; how is your life? Do you mind with your future? Have you
already a lawyer to that Great Day?
I know One that He never lost a lawsuit. I recommend Him: JESUS!

Imagine you don’t like
your Government. You get indifferent with it. You pretend it doesn’t exist. I
ask you: This will change something to the nation? Will you stop paying Income
Tax? Won’t you be reached by the Government in its decision on politics,
economy, and a lot of others things? Will it do any difference to the
Government what you think and the way you act? Would be much better understand
the Government and attempt to suffer less or don’t suffer? What is worst! If you
don’t pay the Taxes – for example; the Income – because you don’t agree with
anything; your financial life will make impossible.
This way is the God
Judgment that is coming! It will be to know it better and to find an escape
because there’s an exit. There’s a hope! The Bible, more precisely
the Gospels conduct to the Blood of Lamb – Jesus Christ – as the unique that
can free you in the Tribunal.
Revelation and Daniel are the Bible books that point to a
reality of this Great Event. You can know all details of this Tribunal.
There’s the Judge, the Lawyer to accuse, the Lawyer to defend, the Witnesses,
the accused and the litigation. If you hire Jesus to be your Advocate, you will
be surprised to know that in this Tribunal, the Judge is the same Defender
Lawyer. Hilarious? Research how was an Ancient Israel Tribunal. There the Judge
did the two works. It is because that you may get the sure of your free in that
Day if
Jesus is you Advocate.
It can’t be ignored.
Don’t need to fear this Event! Go and Find info about it. Look for
it. You need to know what is it. Do you know how to find this Advocate? Make
relationship with people that know this Advocate. Today you have the
opportunity to prepare to this Judgment, the Final One.
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